After painting, we left at 8 pm to drive to Vancouver Island. The roads were pretty bad but very little traffic. We got to Brent’s brothers place around 8 am....
Dinner at Brent’s brothers place
So our mission is to get Ilka to try all kinds of foods that she doesn’t like. Is that bad of us?!
Daryl decided to start her off with Cod which is a milder tasting white fish and is so delicious,
Oh and he made a broccoli salad! Apparently she didn’t like broccoli either! This salad was a hit!
Inspecting her plate....
Going in...
Not so sure...
What do you think, Bruce?!
The drive to Courtenay the next day....
I made Brent’s mom a lap quilt...I forgot to take pics of the pillow covers I made for his Dad..
Muff on the quilt
We took Brent’s dad out for dinner....
Her main course was turkey Schnitzel
The girls after the dessert! 😂
The drive back to Nanaimo was wicked!
Drove back to Courtenay the next day to take Erv out for lunch and another quick visit with Ruth
Halibut Fish & Chips
Fish tacos
Stopped at Fanny Bay to pick up some oysters.....Ilka’s face was priceless when she discovered she was standing on a mountain of oyster shells!
....let the games begin!
It’s a blue-tiful boat....
So to date Ilka has tried shrimp, prawns, calamari, cod, scallops....she’s done well and such a great sport. Oh and’re going to need to start cooking with garlic! Lol....
Come back later as I have more to post here....Happy New Year!
We had Raclette again so pics would be almost the same. But we did try to make crème brûlée and oh boy it’s not quite right....willhave to keep making it until it’s right 😉😜
Sister-in-laws Amaryllis bloomed today! Is it ever gorgeous!
We walked out of the grocery store and the light was perfect on these grasses...